Kingdom Cashflow Academy
Increase your cash flow to do God's work!
Join one of the fastest growing online communities for Christians looking to build up their bank for God’s kingdom
Increase your cash flow to do God's work!
Join one of the fastest growing online communities for Christians looking to build up their bank for God’s kingdom
What's Included?
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Simple, easy to follow budget, net-worth, and goal setting software training that will give you instant clarity around your true financial health.

Dozens of practical ways to potentially free up hundreds of dollars/month in your budget (some of which you’ve likely never heard of).

Practical ways to start earning more in your career and business and get paid your worth without having to do multiple side hustles, go back to school, change careers, or work overtime.

Short, daily mindset and prayer exercises to help you attract more wealth and favor (without all the law of attraction hooey) as well as overcome chronic anxiety, depression, and anger around money.

The largely unknown hack to potentially cut your unsecured debt balance in half in a totally legal and ethical way.

How to rewire your brain to think and succeed like a kingdom-driven millionaire.

How to create passive income while learning how to manage money and invest using stocks and precious metals - even if you have little to invest with.

And more!

Enjoy a free subscription to our preferred, world-class budgeting and money management software for the duration of your active membership with us (the app alone costs $14.99/month if you purchased outside our course!). Over the years, we’ve tested numerous softwares and none of them measure up to the ease of use and features of this app.

This assessment will help you understand why you behave the way you do and what really motivates you in life. You’ll be amazed at how much more self-aware you become. You’ll also be able to better articulate your God-given talents. This is a MASSIVE eye opener for our clients and can be totally life-changing.

“Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity.” Proverbs 21:5 (NLT)

Struggling with discipline, procrastination, overspending, or stress that’s making it hard to stick with your financial goals? We’ve got you covered!

1x/month you get a live group budget accountability and Q&A call with our in-house, MBA budgeting expert, Rachel, and seasoned performance coach, Stacy (MS, BCC, LPC)! We do this so you can start your month off with a bulletproof plan to help you prosper. You’ll finally be telling money where to go instead of wondering where it went!

What if you had an army of people around you that helped you accomplish your goals (while you helped them accomplish theirs)?

Well, once you join, you’ll get instant access to our incredible community of peers and coaches where you'll be surrounded by encouragement, positive celebrations, and likeminded go-getters.

As it’s been said, your network is your net worth. It’s who you know! Most of your problems are WHO, not HOW problems.

Learn the fundamentals of how to invest your money in a biblically responsible way and potentially outperform the stock market while also generating passive income.

Learn wealth building secrets - straight from God’s word - that you’ll likely never hear in church. In these lessons we’ll help you understand what the Bible really has to say about money. Also, you’ll get to the bottom of the unbiblical lies around wealth that are unintentionally sabotaging your ability to earn, invest, and give more for the kingdom.

Every other week you'll have the opportunity to work live with our Mindset coach in a group environment that's exclusive to the KCA community. On alternating weeks, our Budget Coach will lead a questions and answers style call for anyone looking for additional support with their budget!

Join Jeremy every Monday morning for a special call to kick off your week with some Spirit-filled, Bible-saturated motivation! We study the Bible, pray, and get more clear on our goals for the week!

We have a massive referral bonus program that allows you to earn unlimited passive income by referring our course. As long as you are an active client, for every person that you refer to KCA who enrolls, you will receive a bonus of 33% on each of their payments! That means if they sign up for the monthly program, you will receive $32.01 EVERY MONTH that they are still enrolled! We also offer a $500 bonus for anyone you refer to us that pays in full for our Debt Free Millionaire program!

One of the main reasons people fail online programs is they are BORING - which isn’t the client’s fault! So, we add some friendly competition and jaw-dropping giveaways to keep you engaged and motivated. When you join, you’ll be placed on a team of others with similar goals. And every other month, the ones with the most points for completing certain tasks in the program will be awarded prizes. Think of it like the lottery, except you actually have a great chance to win! This is our way of saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

Now you might be wondering…. “Jeremy, is there a catch of something here? This seems like a lot to offer for so cheap.” Here’s why we’re giving so much away for so little. Most worldly business coaches would advise me not to give too much value. Give just enough to get clients in the door, but not enough to transform their life. But after much prayer, I felt God say to really overdeliver unlike any course at this price point, so that’s what we’re doing.

Our prayer is that you’ll be so helped and wowed by the content that you’ll want to tell all your friends and help our mission spread like wildfire for God’s glory: to create 1 million, debt-free, Christ-centered, radically generous millionaires by 2030!

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Meet Your Mentor
Jeremy and his team of expert coaches have helped their clients pay off and save millions of dollars, even during some of the hardest economic times our country has faced.

Jeremy spent 6 years in formal biblical and theological training at one of the top Bible colleges in the country, and then went on to build a multi-million-dollar company.

His company is on mission to create at least 1 million, debt-free, Christ-centered, radically generous millionaires by 2030 to completely transform the landscape of our country and the globe for Jesus!
You've got questions?

We've got answers!

For as long as you’re an active, paying member of KCA!

For as long as you’re an active, paying member of KCA. Because the software alone costs $15/month outside of KCA, we wanted to make KCA such a phenomenal value that you’d always want to stay!

Not at all! The trainings are designed so you can learn at your own pace and listen to much of it on the go. They are also simple to follow and designed to free up time by making your money management more efficient. By helping free up more cash in your budget to go toward debt and savings, it will actually give you back tons of time to enjoy what you want vs. stressing over money. The initial set up to get your numbers in order should only take a couple hours max. After that, managing your cash flow with our tools should only take minutes each week.

Our trainings are based on solid biblical truth, proven financial principles, and top neuroscience research. They’ve been field-tested and honed for many years after countless thousands of hours in one-on-one, live events, and group sessions. Bottom line, our methods absolutely work. The only question is, are you sick and tired enough of feeling stuck financially so that you’ll commit to the journey?

Well, truth be told, we’re on mission to make KCA the course every church in America offers in the next 5 years, so be on the lookout! We’re tired of courses that offer shallow, misquoted biblical teaching and impractical, superficial financial advice with no real tools for managing your money. There are certain “gurus” that will call you stupid and yell at you to do a budget… but then they offer no real guidance! For instance, in all my years of coaching, I’ve never seen a budget set up correctly that I can remember, even if they’re already using a tool sold by said “guru.” The tools being sold lack robust training to master the technology and aren’t as easy to use or advanced as they should be. Not only that, these popular courses do little to nothing when it comes to helping the person change their underlying, self-sabotaging beliefs, emotions, and actions. At KCA, we focus on fixing the root issues and the heart, for from it flows the issues of life (Prov. 4:23; Matt 12:34).

100%! It’s actually ideal if your spouse is willing to join, but if not, you’re still going to get massive transformation. In fact, most spouses join solo at first until the other is ready to join in on the journey. Your membership covers you, your spouse, and even any kids still living at home.

We offer a 7 day, no-risk, money-back guarantee. So, if you don’t see immediate value within the first 7 days, we will give you a full refund of your purchase. Simply email, and you’ll be refunded without question.

We created KCA as an insanely affordable way for those with less resources to get some immediate relief by learning the fundamentals of money management and mindset. Because of that, we don’t offer the above services for this particular program. If you’re interested, however, in having more hands-on, 1-on-1 coaching and support, especially around scaling your income, you can email to see if you’d qualify financially for our Debt-Free Millionaire program.

No, however, we talk about the Bible a lot, so keep that in mind. Plus, as Christians, we are commanded by Jesus to make disciples (Matt. 28; Mark 16), so our not-so-hidden agenda is for everyone in our community and the world to become a committed follower of Jesus. That said, if you’re not sure where you stand with Jesus or the Bible, you are more than welcome here! And if you don’t read the Bible much, I expect you’ll be amazed, however, by the amount of profound, yet practical ancient wisdom for life. I’ve never met anyone who’s life wasn’t improved by following the basic principles found in Scripture.

We choose to adopt a basic statement of faith by the National Association of Evangelicals: We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful people, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.

In other words, we're not a "Jesus is a great option for some" type of company. We believe he's the only source of salvation for a lost and dying world. We also don't follow the trends when it comes to approving things like the LGBTQ+ movement or other false teachings from groups like Jehovah's Witnesses and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. While we love them and believe many of them have a sincere desire to obey Christ, we believe Jesus wants something better for them and that they are being led astray into false doctrine. So, while we understand everyone is on a certain faith journey, we want to be up front and clear with our beliefs so that there's no surprises down the road if these ever come up in conversation. Ultimately, though, everyone is welcome to join and learn!

Check out some of our Client's Celebrations!

Sign up now and get started!
Jeremy Krulikowski Coaching LLC is a Christian financial coaching company. We do not sell a business opportunity, get rich quick program or money-making system. We believe, with education, individuals can be better prepared to make investment decisions, but we do not guarantee success in our training. We do not make earnings claims, efforts claims, or claims that our training will make you any money. All material is intellectual property and protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited.

Investing of any kind carries risk and it is possible to lose some or all of your money. The training provided is general in nature, and some strategies may not be appropriate for all individuals or all situations. We make no representation regarding the likelihood or probability that any actual or hypothetical investment will achieve a particular outcome or perform in any predictable manner.

Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Instead, we track completed transactions and satisfaction of services by voluntary surveys. Further, many customers do not continue with the program, do not apply what they learn, or do not attempt to apply what they learn but nonetheless have difficulty in making success happen for themselves.

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